The following taxonomy aims at enhancing the text search, filtering the most relevant results on each topic. Judgments have been tagged only if dealing consistently, even if not always innovatively, with each topic. Some categories do not show entries yet, but perhaps will do so in the next future.
«My own feeling is that classification can be of assistance subject to important cautionary notes. We should never lose sight of the fact that taxonomy is of instrumental value, it is there to cast light on substantive differences […], not to be an end in itself. We should not allow the desire for ‘order’ to lead the imposition of […] categories that are ill-fitting. We should moreover remember the tension between generality and specificity. The more general and abstract is any classification then the greater the likelihood that all can be fitted into […]. In the opposite direction, […] categories that are too specific can convey a wilderness of single instances» (P. Craig, EU Administrative Law, 2006, Oxford, p. 152)